100 years ago - the “Trigger” Mine Tragedy at Newcestown

We in CAHCS, in good faith, in order to mark the centenary of the Irish Civil War ‘Trigger Mine Incident’ near Newcestown village, posted an account so that the victims might be remembered and prayed for, 100 years on.

The information presented was based on respected local amateur historian, Sean Crowley’s excellent book, ‘From Newce to Truce’ and an excerpt from this publication was used here. Though the article and the information therein was, generally, very well received by the public it triggered a negative response from, at least, one individual, with an interest in history, who believes that some of ‘the information is incorrect and needs to be corrected’ in line with the information he has uncovered in the Military Archives which are now available in digital format online.

In the interest of fairness and historical accuracy, CAHCS are removing the original article with a view to revising the content in line with the new information being proffered. Alternatively, we invite the objector to publish his version of the events in the interest of historical accuracy. All in CAHCS look forward to reading his version of the event.

In the meantime, remember those who died and were injured at Newcestown on 4th February

1923: Charles O’Leary, Patrick Murray and John Desmond, RIP.

Plaque unveilng © Colum Cronin, 2002


Dick Barrett Commemoration